By Mithini Punsara

Defining Personal Behavior

Personal behavior refers to the overall behavior displayed in a person by the functioning of biological factors and psychosocial factors present in him or her.

In order to successfully accomplish the goals and objectives of the organization, the diversity and differences in each human resource should be taken into account while utilizing the human resources of the organization.

Many differences can be identified when comparing employees with other employees. In order to get the most out of these changes, the employee must have a thorough understanding of the changes before assigning them to a particular task. Then by assigning the right employee to the right work, the overall productivity of the organization can be increased. Therefore, it is essential for the manager of the company to always be aware of employee changes.

When focusing on employee differences, according to Stephen P. Robinson, employee differences can be classified mainly under two parts.

Surface- Level Diversity

Superficial diversity refers to traits and differences that are directly identifiable when looking at employees. That is gender, age structure, religion, race etc. These changes are directly visible to the employees.

Deep – Level Diversity

Changes that cannot be detected on the surface of the employee and can be identified only through long-term monitoring of the person are known as internal changes. That is, the diversity of employees' thoughts, attitudes, and values. These cannot be identified by looking at the employees directly.

As mentioned above, employee differences can be defined under two main parts. Accordingly, managers do not have the ability to deal with the above employee differences. Even if employee differences are identified, the most challenging aspect of understanding individual behavior in the organization is the influence of various factors on employee behavior. Among them, Psychological factors and Physical factors, Job related factors and Environmental factors take a special place.

Factors affecting employee behavior

References :

1. Learning, L. (no date) Organizational behavior and human relations, Lumen. Available at: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wm-organizationalbehavior/chapter/sources-of-stress/ (Accessed: 29 October 2023).

2.Organizational behavior (15e).PDF - filepursuit.com. Available at: https://filepursuit.com/file/38295526-Organizational-Behavior-15e-pdf/ (Accessed: 29 October 2023).


  1. Personal behavior is influenced by biological and psychosocial factors. Managing diverse employee differences, including surface-level diversity like gender and race and deep-level diversity like thoughts and values, can enhance organizational productivity. Factors like psychological, physical, job-related, and environmental factors also impact employee behavior.

    How can an organization effectively leverage both surface-level and deep-level diversity among its employees to improve performance and inclusivity?

    1. Hi Mr Dhammika
      An organization can effectively leverage both surface-level and deep-level diversity among its employees to improve performance and inclusivity through thoughtful integration and appreciation of differences. Surface-level diversity, such as race and gender, provides visible cues for promoting equal opportunities and representation. Deep-level diversity, encompassing values, experiences, and perspectives, fosters innovation and creativity. By fostering an inclusive culture, where individuals feel valued for their unique qualities, organizations can harness a wide range of talents and ideas. Encouraging open communication, embracing diverse viewpoints, and promoting cross-cultural understanding can lead to enhanced problem-solving and decision-making. Furthermore, implementing diversity training programs and mentorship initiatives can bridge gaps, promoting collaboration and empathy. In doing so, organizations can achieve higher performance, innovation, and overall inclusivity, ensuring everyone's voice is heard and valued.

  2. Personal behavior is the way an individual acts, reacts, and interacts with others in different situations and contexts. It is influenced by various factors, such as personality, emotions, beliefs, values, needs, goals, and physical and mental health. Personal behavior can also affect one’s well-being, relationships, and performance. Some examples of personal behavior are: How you communicate with others, verbally and non-verbally How you cope with stress, challenges, and emotions How you express your opinions, preferences, and feelings How you manage your time, tasks, and responsibilities How you learn, grow, and develop yourself Personal behavior can be improved or changed by becoming more aware of one’s own strengths and weaknesses, seeking feedback, setting realistic and specific goals, and practicing new skills and habits. Personal development is the process of enhancing one’s personal behavior and other aspects of oneself, such as knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values

    1. Hi Shiran, I'm agree with you. Thank you very much for sharing your ideas with me.

  3. Hi Mithini, Can you please describe the process for solving problems. What steps do you take to resolve important issues at work?

    1. Dear Kumara, Problem-solving at work involves a systematic approach. First, I define the problem, ensuring a clear understanding of its scope and impact. Then, I gather relevant information, analyzing data to identify key factors. Collaborating with team members fosters diverse perspectives. Next, I brainstorm potential solutions, evaluating their feasibility and potential outcomes. Once a strategy is chosen, I implement it with agility, adapting as needed. Throughout, communication is crucial, keeping stakeholders informed and engaged. Finally, I assess the results, learning from the process to enhance future problem-solving. This methodical approach ensures a comprehensive and effective resolution to important workplace issues.

  4. People behavior in an organization refers to the actions, reactions, and interactions of individuals within the workplace. It encompasses a wide range of behaviors, including how people communicate, collaborate, make decisions, handle conflicts, and contribute to the overall culture and functioning of the organization. Understanding and managing people's behavior is crucial for creating a positive and productive work environment. On this regards what are the HR duties ?

    1. Dear Dilini, Understanding and managing people's behavior is paramount for fostering a positive and productive work environment. Human Resources (HR) plays a pivotal role in this process by undertaking various duties. First and foremost, HR professionals are responsible for recruiting and selecting individuals whose values align with the organization's culture. They also facilitate onboarding processes, ensuring new hires feel integrated and motivated. HR oversees employee training and development, addressing skill gaps and promoting continuous learning.

      Moreover, HR manages performance evaluations and feedback sessions, promoting a culture of improvement. Conflict resolution and mediation fall under their purview, preventing discord and fostering healthy relationships among team members. Employee well-being is a key concern for HR, encompassing benefits, work-life balance, and mental health support. Lastly, HR is integral in crafting and enforcing company policies, ensuring a fair and compliant workplace. In essence, HR duties revolve around cultivating a harmonious, efficient, and inclusive work environment that maximizes individual and collective potential.

  5. You have discussed the factors that affecting Employee Behavior very clearly. And also I'd like see this factors in simple diagram too. I guess it would be very easy to remember all these factors.

    1. Please refer , https://www.google.com/search?q=State+the+factors+influencing+employee+behavior+with+a+simple+diagram&sca_esv=583992719&tbm=isch&sxsrf=AM9HkKm6DuG_os_az_p5NnRuJe4adSEoQQ:1700489737238&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjase314dKCAxXDjGMGHQQiC20Q_AUoAXoECAMQAw&biw=1366&bih=641&dpr=1#imgrc=ugCWVX5cNnFleM

  6. Dear Amodinee, Psychological factors such as personality traits, attitudes and emotions play a significant role in influencing individual behavior in an organization. These factors can shape an employee's motivation, job satisfaction, and overall job performance. Additionally, physical factors such as the physical workspace and equipment can affect employee comfort, well-being, and productivity.
    Work-related factors such as job design, workload, and professional development opportunities also influence employee behavior. When employees are challenged, engaged and have a clear career path, they are more motivated and committed to their work. Finally, environmental factors such as organizational culture, leadership style, and social norms can shape employee behavior by creating a supportive or stressful work environment.
    Understanding and considering these psychological, physiological, work-related and environmental factors is essential for employers to effectively manage and motivate their employees.

  7. Dear Mithini,
    This insightful article underscores the significance of recognizing and managing both surface-level and deep-level diversity in employees. The emphasis on psychological, physical, job-related, and environmental factors enriches the understanding of personal behavior in organizational contexts.

    1. Yes Mayumi, Recognizing and managing surface-level diversity, encompassing visible traits like gender and ethnicity, along with deep-level diversity, which includes psychological, physical, job-related, and environmental factors, is crucial for understanding individual behavior in organizational settings. This comprehensive approach ensures a nuanced understanding of employees' dynamics and promotes inclusive and effective workplace practices.

  8. Improvement of personal Behavior

    Improving personal behavior involves self-awareness and intentional efforts, mindfulness, possitive habbits, empathy , accountability.

    personal growth is an ongoing process, and small, consistent efforts can lead to meaningful improvements in behavior over time.

    1. Dear Channa, Embarking on a journey of personal growth involves cultivating self-awareness through mindfulness, fostering positive habits, practicing empathy, and holding oneself accountable. Consistent, incremental efforts pave the way for substantial and enduring improvements in behavior over time.

  9. Dear Mithini,
    I'm appreciating your article. you are Highlighting the importance of understanding and leveraging individual differences to enhance organizational productivity adds depth to the discussion on managing human resources effectively. Identifying the challenges managers face in comprehending individual behavior within an organization sheds light on the complexities involved in addressing diverse employee behaviors.

    1. Dear Sumedha, Thank you for your valuable comment. Recognizing and harnessing individual differences is pivotal for organizational success. Effectively managing human resources requires understanding diverse employee behaviors, a task laden with challenges for managers. Navigating these complexities is essential to foster a workplace where unique strengths contribute synergistically to overall effectiveness and productivity.


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