06.Group behavior in an organization

 By Mithini Punsara


It studies how group behavior affects organizational success. When an individual acts as a group, there is more coherence and rigidity in their behavior than when an individual acts alone. And working in groups tends to do more than working individually. Therefore, the study of group behavior is important.


Definition of groups

There is no generally accepted definition of group in the world and various philosophers have defined group from different perspectives as follows.


"A team is a group of two or more people working together to achieve a common goal" -  Ricky W. Griffin


“A team is a group of two or more people working together to achieve a common goal”. – Stephen P Robbins


“A group is a group of people who maintain a definite relationship to achieve a common goal with team spirit”. – D L FOSATH


Considering the above definitions, the common characteristics that should exist in a group can be identified as follows.

  •  Having a common purpose
  • Presence of two or more people
  • Working with team spirit
  • A permanent relationship exists between members         


Considering the above definition and common characteristics, a group can be defined as follows.


"A group is a group of two or more people working together to achieve a common, specific goal.”


Types of Groups

In classifying groups, there are two main parts namely formal groups and informal groups

Formal groups are groups that are established in a formal system of rules to achieve a common goal, while a group of people who organize themselves informally to achieve a common goal is classified as an informal group.

Although groups are classified into two main parts, formal and informal, based on the function, structure and relationship of the group, groups can be divided into 3 main parts, namely primary, secondary and member groups.


Although groups are classified into two main parts, formal and informal, based on the function, structure and relationship of the group, the groups can be divided into 3 main parts as primary, secondary and member groups.


Primary groups

Groups with very few members are those in which there is a very close relationship between the members. Here the members meet daily and discuss the necessary matters.

Examples: family members, audit teams, quality circles


Secondary groups

Primary groups are groups that have more member mobility but less contact between members. When a need arises in these groups, the members come together to fulfil the need.

Example: Product Development Team


Social groups

Individuals can join these groups by obtaining their own membership. Since then, he has been considered a member of the team. People are included in these groups especially to demonstrate their social status and dignity.

Example: Lion Club


Reasons why people move in groups

Safety: People can develop their strengths by working as a team. A problem can be faced more confidently as a group than as an individual.


To demonstrate status/social status: People join various groups to demonstrate their social status. Here, the respective members also get benefits through the recognition, publicity and respect of the respective group.


Fulfilment of social needs: Man being a social animal prefers to live with a group constantly. Here people gather in groups to get the mercy, kindness and love they need.


Gaining power: People are taken in groups to develop their power. There is more space than the space to raise a voice in the society as an individual by coming together as a group.


Achievement of Goals:  The primary objective of group participation is to achieve goals that cannot be achieved by an individual by coming together as a group. Steps in the team development process


Steps in the team development process

There are 5 key factors that go through the development of a successful team. The time spent on these stages varies from team to team and is determined by the performance objectives and needs of the team members.

  • Forming
  • Storming
  • Norming
  • Performing
  • Adjourning

How teamwork affects the efficiency of the organization and employees

How to affect the efficiency of the organization


How to affect the efficiency of employees


Accomplishing tasks that employees cannot do individually

Getting a good understanding of the organization and the environment


Inability to use the support of a group of members full of different skills, knowledge and intelligence in achieving the organization's goals.

Opening up within the team a way for members to develop new skills


Being able to control the behavior and performance of the company's employees as a group.

Being able to gain respect by working as a team that cannot be achieved as an individual.


Gaining the basic foundation for change management by teams.

To meet the social needs of employees by working in groups.


Consolidate the existence of the organization by communicating the aims and objectives of the organization to the members.



Factors affecting team success

  • Size of the group
  • Leadership of the team
  • Motivational techniques
  • Group Dharma
  • Roles of individual members
  • Environment
  • Nature of work
  • Group cohesiveness

Group consciousness

        Factors Involved in Team Development 

Group cohesion is the main factor behind the success of a team. Group cohesion refers to the extent to which team members bond with each other and the team as a whole. Through the team spirit, the organization has got the ability to face any challenge and achieve any goal successfully. The composition of a group is determined by the following factors.


Factors that determine group consciousness

  • The time a group spends together
  • Number of members
  • Gender
  • Past successes

Advantages of Group cohesiveness

A Group cohesiveness provides the following benefits to team members:

  1. Being able to use the collective power of the group
  2. Increase in employee engagement
  3. Increased employee safety
  4. Increased confidence in employees
  5. Gaining profits

Disadvantages of Group cohesiveness

  1. Difficulty managing the group
  2. Having high self-confidence


Finally, two or more people working together to achieve a common goal is called a group and depending on the nature of the groups, it can be classified into formal and informal groups as well as primary, secondary and member groups. The team development process consists of 5 stages and each team provides unique benefits to the organization and its members. However, the success of the team depends on the interrelation between the employees of the team.


Group Behaviour: Meaning, reasons, effectiveness and other details (2015) Your Article Library. Available at: https://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/hrm/organisation/group-behaviour-meaning-reasons-effectiveness-and-other-details/60276 (Accessed: 15 November 2023).

The 5 stages of Team Development (2022) YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RwkZxGPQb8&t=184s (Accessed: 15 November 2023).

Molnau, D. (2023) High-performance teams: Understanding Team Cohesiveness, isixsigma.com. Available at: https://www.isixsigma.com/teams/high-performance-teams-understanding-team-cohesiveness/ (Accessed: 15 November 2023). 


  1. Dear Mithini, This is a very good article, And the analysis of group behavior within an organization showcases how collective action significantly influences outcomes. The delineation of groups into formal, informal, primary, secondary, and social underscores the diversity of these dynamics. Understanding why people group together, from safety to social fulfillment, illuminates the multifaceted nature of human interaction. The team development stages Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning - emphasize the evolutionary process teams undergo. Factors like cohesion, size, leadership, and environment intricately impact group success, underscoring the complexity of teamwork dynamics. Ultimately, the synergy among team members becomes the hub for a group's triumph or setback.

    1. Dear Dhammika , Analyzing group behavior within an organization reveals the profound impact collective actions have on outcomes. Groups manifest in various forms: formal, informal, primary, secondary, and social, showcasing the diversity of these dynamics. The motivations for people to join groups span from defense mechanisms to social fulfillment, highlighting the intricate nature of human interactions. The developmental stages of teams, including establishment, storming, adopting, performing, and adjourning, underscore the evolutionary processes they undergo. Team success hinges on complex factors such as cohesiveness, size, leadership, and environment, emphasizing the intricate dynamics of teamwork. Ultimately, the cohesion among team members emerges as a central determinant in the success or failure of a team, underscoring the critical role of interpersonal relationships in achieving collective goals.

  2. This blog provides a clear and insightful overview of the impact of group behavior on organizational success. It highlights the increased coherence and rigidity in behavior when individuals act collectively, emphasizing the importance of studying group dynamics. In exploring the steps in the team development process, how can organizations foster effective collaboration and communication among group members to ensure optimal performance and achievement of common goals?

    1. Dear Masha,
      Organizations can cultivate effective collaboration and communication by promoting open dialogue, establishing clear goals, and fostering a positive team culture. Encouraging active listening, providing regular feedback, and recognizing individual contributions also contribute to optimal team performance. By prioritizing communication channels and team-building activities, organizations can navigate the team development process, ensuring cohesion and success in achieving shared objectives.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Dear Mithini,
    This article nicely outlines and highlight both advantages and disadvantages of group cohesiveness offers a balanced perspective on its impact on team dynamics and outcomes.

    1. Dear Sumedha , Team dynamics play a pivotal role in achieving collective goals, with both advantages and drawbacks. On the positive side, strong team cohesion fosters collaboration, creativity, and increased productivity. However, excessive cohesion may stifle diverse ideas and hinder individual autonomy. Striking the right balance is crucial for harnessing the collective potential while allowing for individual contributions, ultimately influencing outcomes positively.

  5. Organizational behavior deals with employee attitudes and feelings, including job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job involvement, and emotional labor. a well-interpreted article.

    1. Dear Zeenath ,
      Organizational behavior is a field that examines how individuals within a workplace interact and behave. It delves into the intricacies of employee attitudes and emotions, such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job involvement, and emotional labor. This study helps organizations understand and manage the factors influencing employee well-being and performance, fostering a positive work environment and enhancing overall organizational effectiveness.

  6. Yes Mithini,
    As per your article, understanding and managing group behavior is essential for organizational leaders and HR professionals. It involves fostering a positive group culture, addressing conflicts constructively, and aligning group dynamics with organizational goals. Effective leadership, clear communication, and a focus on both task and relationship aspects contribute to successful group behavior within an organization.

    1. Yes Kumara, Successful organizational leaders and HR professionals prioritize understanding and managing team behavior. They cultivate a positive team culture, address conflicts constructively, and align team dynamics with organizational goals. Effective leadership, clear communication, and a balanced focus on both task and relational aspects contribute to a harmonious and successful team environment within the organization.


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