07.The Crucial Role of Attitudes in Organizational Behavior

By Mithini Punsara

In the dynamic landscape of today's business world, an organization's survival is contingent upon a myriad of factors, with one often underestimated element being the attitudes of its workforce. Human resource theories emphasize the pivotal role that employees' attitudes play in shaping the success and longevity of an organization.

According to the Job Characteristics Model developed by Hackman and Oldham, employee attitudes, such as job satisfaction and motivation, are integral components that influence job performance. A satisfied and motivated workforce is more likely to be engaged, productive, and committed to the organization's goals. These positive attitudes act as a catalyst for innovation, fostering a culture of continuous improvement that is essential for an organization to adapt and thrive in a rapidly evolving business environment.

Equally significant is the contribution of attitudes to employee retention, a critical factor in organizational survival. The Human Capital Theory posits that an organization's investment in its employees, both in terms of training and development, pays dividends in the form of increased productivity and loyalty. When employees feel valued and supported, their attitudes towards the organization become more positive, reducing turnover rates and ensuring the retention of valuable institutional knowledge.

Moreover, the Social Exchange Theory highlights the reciprocity that exists between employees and their organizations. When an organization demonstrates genuine concern for its employees' well-being, it fosters a positive psychological contract. This, in turn, leads to employees reciprocating with increased commitment and discretionary effort. In times of crisis or change, a cohesive workforce with positive attitudes becomes a formidable asset for an organization, enhancing its resilience and adaptability.

In contrast, negative attitudes, such as dissatisfaction and disengagement, can have detrimental effects on an organization's survival. The Equity Theory suggests that employees compare their inputs (effort, time, skills) and outcomes (compensation, recognition) with those of their peers. If a perceived inequity arises, it can result in dissatisfaction and a decline in motivation, ultimately impacting organizational performance.

In conclusion, human resource theories underscore the profound impact of attitudes on an organization's survival. Positive attitudes contribute to a motivated and engaged workforce, fostering innovation, employee retention, and organizational resilience. Conversely, negative attitudes can erode these critical foundations, posing a threat to an organization's longevity. Recognizing and actively managing employee attitudes is, therefore, an essential aspect of strategic human resource management in the pursuit of sustained organizational success.


Black, J.S. and Bright, D.S. (no date) 3.4 attitudes and behavior - organizational behaviorOpenStax. Available at: https://openstax.org/books/organizational-behavior/pages/3-4-attitudes-and-behavior (Accessed: 13 November 2023).

Richard 17 November 2020Log in to Reply et al. (2023) What is attitude? definition, types, components, formation, functions, characteristics, importance, Geektonight. Available at: https://www.geektonight.com/what-is-attitude-meaning-functions-types-importance-components/#google_vignette (Accessed: 13 November 2023).

Edited by: Manav Sahu & Dr. Jitendra Kumar Sahu ( PMEC & Research ... Available at: https://www.smitorissa.org/Documents/OB%20III%20FINAL.pdf (Accessed: 13 November 2023).

Misra, G. (1970) Attitude 1.2, PDP NOTES By Gaurav Misra. Available at: http://pdpnotesbygm.blogspot.com/2013/09/attitude-12.html (Accessed: 13 November 2023).

Staff attitude at work (2017) YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rG6jycC6z0s (Accessed: 13 November 2023). 

Types in attitudes in organizational behavior (online) available at: https://www.iedunote.com/ ;[accessed on 13 Nov 2023 ]


  1. you have explained the Job Characteristics Model developed by Hackman and Oldham very simply and clear .I'd like to add something too. The five elements of the model that can increase or decrease employee satisfaction are:

    Skill variety ,Task identity, Task significance, Autonomy, and Feedback.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Dear Masha, Thank you for your ideas. The Job Characteristics Model by Hackman and Oldham identifies five key elements influencing employee satisfaction: Skill variety involves using various skills in a role; task identity pertains to completing a whole and identifiable piece of work; task significance relates to the impact of the job on others; autonomy refers to the degree of independence in completing tasks, and feedback involves receiving clear information about job performance. Optimizing these elements enhances job satisfaction, motivation, and overall well-being in the workplace.

  2. In today's business landscape, employee attitudes stand as a cornerstone for organizational success. Positive mindsets fuel engagement, innovation, and retention, becoming vital assets for adaptability and resilience. Conversely, negative attitudes pose a threat to longevity, emphasizing the crucial role of managing and nurturing attitudes in strategic human resource endeavors.

    1. Yes Dhammika Likewise, in the dynamic landscape of contemporary business, the key role of employee attitudes as a lever for organizational success cannot be overstated. Fostering a positive mindset among employees remains a foundation for fostering innovation and ensuring long-term retention, emerging as essential assets that strengthen an organization's adaptability and resilience in the face of rapid change. These positive attitudes contribute significantly to a workplace culture that encourages creativity, problem solving and collaboration.

      Conversely, the specter of negative attitudes looms large and poses a tangible threat to an organization's lasting viability. Effectively managing and fostering positive attitudes through strategic HR efforts is essential. Strategic HR interventions not only help curb negative emotions, but also proactively cultivate an environment that fosters optimism and engagement. Recognizing the profound impact of employee attitudes in shaping the corporate narrative, businesses will be forced to prioritize initiatives that uplift and empower their workforce, thereby ensuring a foundation for long-term success and sustainability in today's ever-evolving business landscape.

  3. Informative Article Mithini. As per my view, attitudes are integral to understanding and managing organizational behavior. Positive attitudes contribute to a healthy organizational culture, employee engagement, and overall organizational success, while negative attitudes can lead to a range of challenges, including turnover, decreased productivity, and a decline in workplace morale.

    1. Dear Kumar Thanks for your comment. Positive attitudes within an organization foster a vibrant culture, fueling employee engagement and organizational triumph. Conversely, negative attitudes pose serious threats, triggering turnover, diminished productivity, and a decline in workplace morale. Recognizing and addressing attitudes is paramount for effective organizational behavior management and sustained success.

  4. Hi Mithini,
    While appreciating your article and I would like to make a query …
    The correlation between employee attitudes and organizational success, as highlighted by the Job Characteristics Model, is fascinating. It's clear that positive attitudes, such as job satisfaction and motivation, significantly impact employee engagement and productivity. However, in a rapidly evolving business landscape, how can organizations consistently gauge and improve these attitudes to ensure continuous positive growth?

    1. Dear Sumedha, In the dynamic business landscape, sustaining positive employee attitudes crucial for organizational success requires continuous measurement and improvement strategies. Regular surveys, feedback mechanisms, and performance assessments can gauge job satisfaction and motivation. Implementing employee development programs, recognizing achievements, and fostering a supportive work culture contribute to ongoing positive growth. By adapting to changing needs, organizations can cultivate a motivated workforce, ensuring sustained engagement and productivity.


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