08.The Dynamic Interplay of Power and Politics in Organizational Behavior

By Mithini Punsara


Power and politics are inherent aspects of organizational behavior, influencing the way individuals and groups interact within a workplace. Understanding the complex interplay between power dynamics and political maneuvers is crucial for effective leadership and organizational success. This article explores how power and politics shape organizational behavior and impact the overall functioning of a company.


The Nature of Power:

Power within an organization is often associated with the ability to influence others and make decisions that affect the organization's direction. It can be categorized into various forms, including legitimate power, derived from one's position in the hierarchy; expert power, stemming from one's expertise or knowledge; and referent power, which is based on personal relationships and likability.

Organizational leaders typically wield significant power, but its distribution throughout the organization is not uniform. The imbalance of power can lead to various organizational challenges, such as conflicts, resistance, and a lack of collaboration. Leaders must carefully navigate the distribution of power to foster a healthy organizational culture.


Impact of Power on Organizational Behavior:

The presence of power structures significantly influences how individuals and groups behave within an organization. Those with power may experience increased confidence, autonomy, and a sense of control, while others may feel disempowered or marginalized. This power dynamic affects decision-making processes, communication patterns, and overall organizational climate. 

Organizational leaders must be mindful of the impact their power has on subordinates. Abusing power or creating a culture of fear can lead to a toxic work environment, hindering productivity and innovation. On the other hand, empowering employees by sharing decision-making authority and fostering a culture of open communication can enhance organizational performance.


The Role of Politics:

Organizational politics refers to the informal strategies and tactics individuals employ to advance their interests and agendas within the workplace. While politics can have negative connotations, it is an inherent part of organizational life. Individuals engage in political behaviors to gain access to resources, secure promotions, or influence decision-making processes.

Political behaviors can manifest in various forms, including networking, coalitions, and manipulation. Organizations with a high degree of politics may experience increased competition, decreased trust among employees, and a focus on personal interests over organizational goals. Leaders must be adept at managing organizational politics to maintain a healthy workplace culture.


The Intersection of Power and Politics:

The interplay between power and politics creates a complex organizational landscape. Leaders must navigate this terrain carefully, as an understanding of power dynamics is crucial for effectively managing political behaviors. By acknowledging the existence of politics and openly addressing power imbalances, organizations can foster a more transparent and collaborative culture.


Strategies for Mitigating Negative Impacts:

To mitigate the negative impacts of power and politics on organizational behavior, leaders can implement several strategies. These include promoting a culture of transparency, providing equal opportunities for skill development, and encouraging open communication. Additionally, establishing clear and fair decision-making processes can help minimize the influence of political behaviors.


 Power and politics play integral roles in shaping organizational behavior. The distribution of power, the impact it has on individuals, and the presence of political behaviors all contribute to the overall organizational climate. Successful leaders recognize the importance of managing power and politics effectively to create a positive and productive work environment, fostering collaboration, innovation, and organizational success.



reviews, T.R.S. 001 et al. (no date) Power and politics lecture (organizational behavior), Power and Politics Lecture (Organizational Behavior) | Teaching Resources. Available at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/power-and-politics-lecture-organizational-behavior-12234027 (Accessed: 19 November 2023).

Nagle, A.P.K. (no date) Organizational behavior, 13.4 Organizational Politics | Organizational Behavior. Available at: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-orgbehavior/chapter/13-4-organizational-politics/ (Accessed: 19 November 2023).

Power and politics - short notes on organisational behaviour - organizational power and politics (no date) Studocu. Available at: https://www.studocu.com/row/document/kwame-nkrumah-university-of-science-and-technology/organizational-behavior/power-and-politics-short-notes-on-organisational-behaviour/29371171 (Accessed: 19 November 2023).

(No date) Power and politics in organisations - JSTOR. Available at: https://www.jstor.org/stable/24701051 (Accessed: 19 November 2023).

Power and politics | organizational behavior (Chapter 13) (2018) YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDnhLadUaO0 (Accessed: 19 November 2023).



  1. Your article adeptly delves into the intricate relationship between power and politics in organizational behavior. It highlights how the distribution of power shapes behaviors, impacting organizational culture. The focus on mitigating negative effects by fostering transparency and equitable opportunities emphasizes the role of effective leadership in creating a healthier workplace environment.
    And what specific aspect of power and politics in organizational behavior are you most interested in exploring further?

    1. Dear Dhammika,
      Organizational behavior delves into the intricate interplay between power and politics within a workplace, unveiling their profound impact on shaping behavior and organizational culture. Power dynamics, whether hierarchical or relational, significantly influence employee actions and decisions. The distribution of power establishes a framework that defines acceptable behaviors and norms, contributing to the organizational culture. Politics, in this context, refers to the informal power struggles and maneuvering for influence within the organization. These political dynamics can lead to both positive and negative outcomes, affecting employee morale and overall productivity. Mitigating negative consequences involves fostering transparency, equal opportunity, and ethical practices. Effective leadership plays a pivotal role in cultivating a healthy workplace by promoting fairness, open communication, and a supportive environment. Understanding and managing the power-politics nexus is essential for creating an organizational culture that encourages positive behavior and optimal performance.

  2. Dear Mithini,
    How can organizational leaders balance power distribution and navigate politics effectively to create a positive work environment that promotes collaboration, innovation, and success?

    1. Dear Mayumi, Organizational leaders can foster a positive work environment by promoting transparent communication, inclusivity, and empowering team members. Balancing power distribution involves delegating responsibilities, encouraging diverse perspectives, and recognizing individual strengths. Navigating office politics requires leaders to address conflicts openly, promote a culture of trust, and set clear expectations. By fostering a collaborative atmosphere and prioritizing innovation, leaders can inspire creativity and drive success, creating a workplace where employees feel valued and motivated to contribute their best efforts.

  3. Very good Article Mithini. I think that the dynamic interplay of power and politics is a complex aspect of organizational behavior. It is essential for individuals and leaders to navigate this interplay ethically, fostering a positive organizational culture that values transparency, fairness, and collaboration while recognizing the inherent realities of power dynamics in the workplace.

    1. Yes Kumara , Navigating the complex realm of power and politics in organizations requires ethical acumen. Leaders and individuals must acknowledge the power dynamics in the workplace, strive for transparency, fairness and cooperation. Cultivating a positive organizational culture ensures harmonious interaction, fostering an environment where ethical considerations exist within the complex landscape of power and politics.

  4. Hi Mithini,
    While appreciating your article and I would like to make a Value-added suggestion: Conducting regular employee satisfaction surveys or anonymous feedback sessions can help leaders gauge the organizational climate. Additionally, monitoring metrics such as employee turnover rates, absenteeism, or changes in productivity can provide insights into potential issues arising from a toxic work environment influenced by power struggles or excessive politics.

    1. Dear Sumedha,
      Regularly conducting employee satisfaction surveys and anonymous feedback sessions is essential for leaders to assess the overall organizational climate. These proactive measures allow employees to express their thoughts openly, providing valuable insights into workplace dynamics. Additionally, monitoring key metrics such as employee turnover rates, absenteeism, and changes in productivity can serve as crucial indicators of potential issues stemming from a toxic work environment marked by power struggles or excessive politics. By staying attuned to these metrics, leaders can identify and address underlying problems promptly, fostering a healthier and more supportive workplace that promotes employee well-being and overall organizational success.


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